This would be according to a 2013 study published by Dresner Advisory Services, a research and advisory firm that has been offering compelling research in the area of Business Intelligence since 2007, they published their first Wisdom of Crowds BI Market study in 2010, since then they have been publishing this yearly study which is much awaited by the industry.
Here is a roundup of one of their 2013 study titled “Wisdom of Crowds – Mobile Computing / Mobile Business Intelligence Market Study “.
“In 2013 those stating that Mobile BI is “critical” or “very important” declined from 61% to 57%. This is believed to be normal, as organizations move from the planning stages to deployment. “
“From a geographical perspective, the importance of mobile BI is far greater in developing countries than in North America and EMEA. This is due to the leap-frog effect of cell phones in developing nations; those without traditional BI are investing in Mobile BI first.”
“From a vertical industry perspective, Retail & Wholesale assign Mobile BI the highest importance and have been amongst the most ambitious in its adoption, particularly in store and field management. Other industries that placed a relatively high importance on Mobile BI are Technology and Food, Beverage & Tobacco.”
“Small organizations quickly embrace Mobile BI in comparison to larger enterprises. Nearly twice as many small organizations ranked it as critical vis-a-vis larger ones.“
“Those users whose roles require them to be “nomadic” (outside of the office more than inside) tend to be amongst the most well prepared for Mobile BI, as mobile technology has historically been mandatory to do their jobs. Hence, executives and Sales & Marketing are the most prepared and Finance and IT are the least prepared.”
Vertical industries, “those that are most nomadic should also be the most culturally prepared.
However, this is only partially true. Those that perceive themselves to be prepared must also be willing to change and innovate. Key industries such as Retail have been amongst the earliest adopters of Mobile BI. In contrast, Healthcare appears less well prepared.”
Read the complete study here .
Source – Wisdom of Crowds – Mobile Computing / Mobile Business Intelligence Market Study 2013.
Category – Mobile BI